You do not “work” here. Here, you make a Career.
You do not “work” here. Here, you make a Career.
Read Before Filling Out the Form
The Giacomo Catalani Editore Group is distinguished for its far-sighted vision, a marked capacity for innovation, a strong orientation towards results, and the search for excellence. Joining our company means working in a creative and motivating environment with a team of curious and passionate people. We are always looking for talent. We will be glad to meet you.
Areas of selection:
As you will see in the form below, in order to properly assess the possibility of collaboration, we ask you to send some professional information by attaching your Curriculum Vitae. This does not have to be a CV in European format. If you wish to send a different presentation, we will be happy to receive it. In the section “Click to attach a 2-minute video presentation”, we ask you to enter a brief video, filmed with a smartphone, lasting up to 2 minutes. Here, you can specify your professional skills, tell us something more about yourself and how you think you can add value to the Group. In the message area, you can add any additional information and considerations you feel are essential to communicate. Thank you for your trust and the time you have dedicated to us.